The Shorter Walks Group has morning walks of about five miles.

Group Coordinator: Kate Grant (click to contact).         

Our walks are led by members of the Group, and are held on varying days of the week.


Some walks are fairly local, others involve some travel.

Main Walking Groups
Choice of walking groups:
  • Leisurely: up to 3 miles at a leisurely pace taking 2 to 3 hours, one a month.
  • Amblers: up to 5 miles at a reasonably steady pace, usually twice a month
  • Shorter: between 5 to 7 miles usually at a moderate to brisk pace, three times a month
  • Longer: between 8 to 14 miles at a reasonably fast pace, once a week
(click on the relevant name above for more information)

We travel by public transport, usually within the Freedom Pass zones. In the summer months we travel further afield for country walks. During the winter we tend to keep to parks and towpaths as we try to avoid muddy paths. We usually have a coffee break during our walks and often end with an optional group lunch.

We don’t tackle any real hills, but there can be occasional fairly steep slopes or flights of steps to manage, and the odd stile, so a reasonable degree of fitness is helpful. Our walking pace is around 2½ mph.

Shorter Walks is a very sociable, friendly Group where new members are made welcome. It is open to any member of Islington U3A. (Go to the Join Us page and click on the Membership Form to join the iU3A) To join the walking group, please either drop me an email (address above) or register
through Beacon. Once you have joined the group, you will receive an email a week before each walk with a signup form and details of the forthcoming walk. Information about our future walks may also be found below.

Our experience of running walks has suggested a few common-sense guidelines, to ensure everyone’s enjoyment and safety on our walks. You can see them here.

Our Next Shorter Walks
Monday 27 January (SK) Nunhead to Horniman. Details here.
Tuesday 4 February
(CT) Pudding Mill Lane to Stoke Newington. Details here.
Date TBC Thursday 13 February
(JF) Cheshunt to Broxbourne
Wednesday 26 February
(KG) Pymmes Brook Trail. Details here.
Monday 10 March
(LP): to be defined
Tuesday 18 March
(SK): to be defined
Wednesday 26 March
(JC): to be defined
Tuesday 15 April
(KG): Forty Hall and Myddelton House gardens

Previous Walks
These links take you to archive information and photos of our previous walks:
[Walk reports are not being created post October 2024]
2023/24 (October to October) here.
2022/23 (October to September) here.
2021/22 (October to September) here.
2020/21 (October to September) here.
2019/20 (October to September) here.
2018/19 (October to September) here.
2017/18 (October to September) here.
2016/17 (October to September) here.
2015/16 (October to September) here.
ur first iU3A year 2015 (May to September) here.

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