Judith PedersenFor those interested in sketching outdoors

Group Coordinator:   Judith Pedersen (click on link to contact)


Monthly: every 2nd Wednesday at 2.15pm.

Meet in a cafe near to the local area we'll be exploring with our pens and brushes.

This new group is for members interested in drawing and painting the cityscape. The Coordinator is a local watercolour artist and would love others to join her to sketch and paint outdoors (indoors during the winter months) in interesting places in London.

Equipment: Bring your own art materials, sketchbook, pencils, pens, paints plus a sketching stool/chair. If it is raining, it will be in a nearby indoor venue.
Once you've joined the group you will be added to their WhatsApp group and details of each outing will be posted to you. Those wishing to attend should reply and there will be a maximum of 10 each outing.

If you are interested in joining the group please contact Judith (contact link above).

The sketches above and here are examples showing the Royal Opera House Roof Terrace and The Reflection Garden at St Paul’s.

St Pauls 1St Pauls 2St Pauls 3


site designed by Gill Hopkins 
logo designed Tattersal Hammarling & Silk
registered charity number 1157067